When Choosing a General Contractor in Savannah, GA, Be Sure They’re Insured!

When people are listing the qualifications they’re looking for in Savannah, GA, general contractors, they’re most likely going to be thinking in terms of experience, manpower, and equipment. These are important considerations when hiring a contractor, but one of the most important considerations is occasionally overlooked simply because it seems so mundane: insurance.
But wait, you might think, aren’t all contractors going to be insured? No. In fact, it’s typical for low-priced outfits to skimp on their insurance, as a way of lowering their bids. If you aren’t careful, you could end up with a general contractor who is a major risk to you and your property investment.
Why Insurance Is Critical When Hiring Savannah General Contractors
There are at least two major reasons you should always look for a properly-insured contractor.
1. Damage and Injury Liability
Obviously, if you hire an uninsured contractor and they cause damage at a job site, you are most likely going to be on the hook for paying for those damages. Sure, suing them might be an option, but that’s a long and expensive process that’s often not cost-effective.
Also, there’s the matter of injury liability. Depending on the situation, if an uninsured contractor harmed a person on your property, or if one of his or her employees got injured on your job site, you could be the one who ends up liable.
2. Credibility
There’s just no good excuse for a credible contractor to not carry insurance sufficient to cover any work site incidents. A general contractor with a strong reputation will be carrying insurance on general principle, even if they have a stellar safety record. It’s only the cut-rate operations that try to go cheap on their insurance, and if they’re cutting corners there, they’re probably going to cut corners elsewhere.
Always Verify Insurance Before Hiring A General Contractor
Don’t simply take the contractor’s word for it. If they are genuinely insured and being honest about it, they will happily give you an insurance certificate that spells out their coverages to prove it.
It’s an easy and inexpensive way of verifying that the contractor you’re considering is truly on the up-and-up. If the contractor objects to providing an insurance certificate, choose a contractor that will.
For Quality a General Contractor in Savannah, Call Donald Rushing Construction
We are fully insured and have over thirty years’ experience doing the job right. Request a free quote today!